Inessa Karlik
Inessa Karlik is a self-taught artist who is known for her vibrant, abstract paintings that use bold colours and expressive brushwork.
Inessa’s paintings are characterised by their use of saturated colours, which she applies using a variety of techniques, such as layering, textures, blending, and splattering to create a sense of movement and energy in her work. The colours are used to evoke specific emotions, such as happiness, excitement, and hope.
She often takes inspiration from nature, such as a flower or a sunset, or from her own personal experiences, such as joy or love, and seeks to capture that emotion within her art.
Inessa is passionate about her work and hopes that her paintings will inspire others to express themselves creatively and to connect with their emotions. She often uses the slogan "Colour Your Life" to describe her work, as she believes that colour can have a positive impact on people's mood and well-being. Her works have been used in display houses, illustrations for books and have been sold to businesses in Australia. In a recent move, Inessa has decided to release her latest work to the public.
She believes that art is a powerful way to communicate feelings and hopes that her paintings will help make the world a more beautiful and loving place, one splash of colour at a time.